Montreal – Graham Greene, an Oscar-nominated Canadian actor, is the narrator of Genocide Revealed – the English language version of the documentary film Okradena Zemlya on the Holodomor – 1932-33 Famine Genocide in Soviet Ukraine.
“I am extremely happy and honoured that actor Graham Greene agreed to record the narration for Genocide Revealed”, said the film’s director Yurij Luhovy. “He has an exceptionally rich and amazing voice so well-suited for this documentary. He intuitively understands and has empathy for a people and a nation aimed for destruction, as he, himself, is of proud Native American origin, born on the Six Nations Reserve in Ontario. I am thrilled to have him part of this project,” stated Luhovy.
Graham Greene is one of the most recognizable Native American actors working on stage and in film and television in Canada, England and the United States. He is known for his roles in films such as Dances with Wolves and Thunderheart, as well as television productions of L.A. Law, Northern Exposure and as host of the TV program Exhibit A. He has had roles in over 13 stage performances and 40 movie and television productions and has received the Gemini’s The Earle Grey Award for Lifetime Achievement.
As with all his documentaries, Luhovy prefers voice-overs to subtitles allowing viewers to be drawn into the film, making it easier to follow the story. He places the English narration so that portions of the original Ukrainian is always heard and appreciated.
Genocide Revealed will be released in two formats: a 75 minute version and a shorter 52 minute version intended for schools and television release. This 1932-33 famine genocide documentary on one of the 20th Century’s greatest crimes is based on compelling eye-witness accounts and on the newest archival material made accessible after the fall of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s regained independence.
Canadian actor Graham Greene (right) recording English narration for Genocide Revealed with film’s director Yurij Luhovy in Toronto’s Spence-Thomas Audio Post studio
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